News 369

The First Predestial Debate!!!

On Todays News. The First Predestial Debate!!! of 2020

The First Presidental debat went live yesterday at 9 PM and it was a blast as some would say. It was a close one but Trump won as, He had a strategy before he came to debate and it was to be agressive towards. The moderator and Joe Biden While debating, also during the debate the moderator said maintain order in the remaining 2 debates because Donald Trump did not let Joe Biden talk.

There were a total of 900 people in person watching the debate and by there opinion it was a close debate but everyone said We Won't find out until the next 2 debates. So now there are news and surveys all around online and from the looks of things there is lots of Republican and Democrat Suppoters but these talks in public gets kinda huge as as for past few days The presedital debate is known to start fights.


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